API Reference

OPTIONS /accounts

CORS support

  • Description: Enable CORS by returning correct headers
  • Consumes: [‘application/json’]
  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


200 - Default response for CORS method

GET /accounts

Lists accounts

  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


200 - A list of accounts

403 - Unauthorized

POST /accounts

Add an AWS Account to the account pool

  • Consumes: [‘application/json’]
  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
account body Account creation parameters


201 -

403 - Failed to authenticate request

OPTIONS /accounts/{id}

CORS support

  • Description: Enable CORS by returning correct headers
  • Consumes: [‘application/json’]
  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


200 - Default response for CORS method

GET /accounts/{id}

Get a specific account by an account ID

  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
id path AWS Account ID string


200 -

403 - Failed to retrieve account

PUT /accounts/{id}

Update an account

  • Consumes: [‘application/json’]
  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
id path AWS Account ID string
account body Account parameters to modify


200 -

403 - Forbidden

DELETE /accounts/{id}

Delete an account by ID.


Name Position Description Type
id path The ID of the account to be deleted. string


204 - The account has been successfully deleted.

403 - Unauthorized.

404 - No account found for the given ID.

409 - The account is unable to be deleted.

OPTIONS /leases

CORS support

  • Description: Enable CORS by returning correct headers
  • Consumes: [‘application/json’]
  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


200 - Default response for CORS method

POST /leases

Creates a new lease.

  • Consumes: [‘application/json’]
  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
lease body The owner of the lease


201 -

400 - If the “expiresOn” date specified is non-zero but less than the current epoch date, “Requested lease has a desired expiry date less than today: <date>” or “Failed to Parse Request Body” if the request body is blank or incorrectly formatted.

403 - Failed to authenticate request

409 - Conflict if there is an existing lease already active with the provided principal and account.

500 - Server errors if the database cannot be reached.

DELETE /leases

Removes a lease.

  • Consumes: [‘application/json’]
  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
lease body The owner of the lease


200 -

400 - “Failed to Parse Request Body” if the request body is blank or incorrectly formatted. or if there are no account leases found for the specified accountId or if the account specified is not already Active.

403 - Failed to authenticate request

500 - Server errors if the database cannot be reached.

GET /leases

Get leases

  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
principalId query Principal ID of the leases. string
accountId query Account ID of the leases. string
status query Status of the leases. string
nextPrincipalId query Principal ID with which to begin the scan operation. This is used to traverse through paginated results. string
nextAccountId query Account ID with which to begin the scan operation. This is used to traverse through paginated results. string
limit query The maximum number of leases to evaluate (not necessarily the number of matching leases). If there is another page, the URL for page will be in the response Link header. integer


200 - OK

400 - “Failed to Parse Request Body” if the request body is blank or incorrectly formatted.

403 - Failed to authenticate request

OPTIONS /leases/{id}

CORS support

  • Description: Enable CORS by returning correct headers
  • Consumes: [‘application/json’]
  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


200 - Default response for CORS method

GET /leases/{id}

Get a lease by Id

  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
id path Id for lease string


200 -

403 - Failed to retrieve lease

OPTIONS /leases/{id}/auth

CORS support

  • Description: Enable CORS by returning correct headers
  • Consumes: [‘application/json’]
  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


200 - Default response for CORS method

POST /leases/{id}/auth

Create lease authentication by Id

  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
id path Id for lease string


201 -

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Failed to retrieve lease authentication

500 - Server failure

OPTIONS /usage

CORS support

  • Description: Enable CORS by returning correct headers
  • Consumes: [‘application/json’]
  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


200 - Default response for CORS method

GET /usage

Get usage records by date range

  • Produces: [‘application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
startDate path start date of the usage number
endDate path end date of the usage number


200 -

403 - Failed to authenticate request