SNS Lifecycle Events

The DCE master account publishes messages to a number of SNS topics, to indicate lifecycle events. This allows DCE system administrators to customize their implementation of DCE by subscribing and reacting to these events.

For example, you could setup an auto-renewal system by listening to the lease-removed SNS topic, and triggering a Lambda that recreates the lease as soon as it expires.

See the Extending Terraform Configuration documentation, for an example of using Terraform to subscribe to DCE SNS topics


An account was added to the account pool

This SNS topic ARN is provided as a Terraform output:

terraform output account_created_topic_arn


This message includes a payload as JSON, with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id string AWS Account ID
accountStatus “Ready”, “NotReady”, “Orphaned”, or “Leased” Account status
adminRoleArn string ARN for the IAM role used by the DCE master account to manage the account
lastModifiedOn int Last modified timestamp
createdOn int Last modified timestamp
metadata JSON object Metadata field contains any organization specific data pertaining to the account that needs to be persisted


  "id": "1234567890",
  "accountStatus": "NotReady",
  "adminRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890123:role/adminRole",
  "principalRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890123:role/DCEPrincipal",
  "principalPolicyHash": "\"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-38\"",
  "createdOn": 1560306008,
  "lastModifiedOn": 1560306008,
  "metadata": {}


An account was deleted from the account pool

This SNS topic ARN is provided as a Terraform output:

terraform output account_deleted_topic_arn


This message includes a payload as JSON, with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id string AWS Account ID
accountStatus “Ready”, “NotReady”, “Orphaned”, or “Leased” Account status
adminRoleArn string ARN for the IAM role used by the DCE master account to manage the account
lastModifiedOn int Last modified timestamp
createdOn int Last modified timestamp
metadata JSON object Metadata field contains any organization specific data pertaining to the account that needs to be persisted


  "id": "1234567890",
  "accountStatus": "NotReady",
  "adminRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890123:role/adminRole",
  "principalRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890123:role/DCEPrincipal",
  "principalPolicyHash": "\"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-38\"",
  "createdOn": 1560306008,
  "lastModifiedOn": 1560306008,
  "metadata": {}


Triggered when a lease is created.

This SNS topic ARN is provided as a Terraform output:

terraform output lease_added_topic_arn


This message includes a payload as JSON, with the following fields:

Field Type Description
accountId string AWS Account ID
principalId string ID of the principal user, associated with the lease
leaseStatus string Status of the lease.
createdOn integer Timestamp (epoch) of creation
lastModifiedOn integer Timestamp (epoch) of last modification
leaseModifiedOn integer Timestamp (epoch) of lease status modification
expiresOn integer Timestamp (epoch) when the lease will expire


  "accountId": "1234567890",
  "principalId": "jdoe17",
  "leaseStatus": "Active",
  "createdOn": 1560306008,
  "lastModifiedOn": 1560306008,
  "leaseStatusModifiedOn": 1560306008,
  "expiresOn": 1560306008


Triggered when a lease is deleted.

This SNS topic ARN is provided as a Terraform output:

terraform output lease_removed_topic_arn


This message includes a payload as JSON, with the following fields:

Field Type Description
accountId string AWS Account ID
principalId string ID of the principal user associated with the lease
leaseStatus string Status of the lease.
createdOn integer Timestamp (epoch) of creation
lastModifiedOn integer Timestamp (epoch) of last modification
leaseStatusModifiedOn integer Timestamp (epoch) of last lease status modification
expiresOn integer Timestamp (epoch) when the lease will expire


  "accountId": "1234567890",
  "principalId": "jdoe17",
  "leaseStatus": "Decommissioned",
  "createdOn": 1560306008,
  "lastModifiedOn": 1560306008,
  "leaseStatusModifiedOn": 1560306008,
  "expiresOn": 1560306008